Scribbled on 1/28/2011 10:18:00 AM

Let's Cook Up A Storm

More on my cooking escapade. Truthfully, I am so damn sick of all the food I have at restaurants or mamaks. It's like a cycle of ordering nasi goreng kampung, nasi goreng pataya, mee goreng, etc. I've had it!! I'm going nuts just thinking about it. I need nutritious food. In other words, I just need home cooked food. Doesn't have to be those complicated dishes, the simple fried egg with soy sauce and plain rice would be just heaven at this minute. As you can see in my previous post, I finally came around to go grocery shopping to buy some veggies. I think what I lack most in my diet now are veggies. At home we would have 2 veggie dishes during a meal and I miss that. So I whipped up a simple dish - a salad or the Malaysian version called kerabu. Yummy!! There are many types of kerabu - mango, kacang botol, paku pakis, sotong, perut. It's basically a 'campak-campak' dish and you can mix in anything you want. I prefer tons of veggie. My favourite kerabu would be kerabu daun selom & kerabu sotong. However, this time I opted for kerabu peria. For my dear friend Fara and everyone else, here's the recipe:

Kerabu Peria

1 peria/bitter gourd (I used half 2 people) - sliced very thinly

1 bunga kantan/ginger flower or torch ginger bud - sliced very thinly (mayang)

1 red chilli (you can use cilipadi too)
3 limau kasturi/lime juice (depends on the taste)
a pinch of salt

  1. Slice the peria very thin. Soak it with water and salt for 3/4 minutes. Rinse and dry thoroughly.
  2. Put all the ingredients in a big bowl and mix well. Have a quick taste in case you need to add more salt of lime juice.
  3. Walla! Your kerabu is done. Serve with other dishes with mix rice or eat it by it's own (for those on diet). Bon appétit!

This recipe is from Puan, Nenek and Mom. The above image was not how my kerabu looked like. You can view mine in the previous post. Please click the images for the real source.

Here are some other kerabu that I found on the net. They sure look scrumptious!

Kerabu Mangga

Kerabu Kacang Botol

Kerabu Daun Selom

Kerabu Sotong

P/S: Yesterday night I made pasta carbonara and tonight I'm making mee sua. All this talk is making me hungry...jom makan!

3 Responses to Let's Cook Up A Storm

  1. Fara Atiqah
    Friday, January 28, 2011 3:47:00 PM
    aku pun suka kerabu. nasi kerabu apetah lagi. aaaaa...u make me craving for kerabu ikan bilis. nk try la buat ;)

    mee sua! dulu time kat uniten ko pernah buat kan? :)
  2. MiShi_Ka
    Friday, January 28, 2011 5:20:00 PM
    haah...mee sua slalu gak buat kat uniten...ehehe...nnt dah buat kerabu ikan bilis sila la share recipe gaks...
  3. yanna.lyana
    Friday, February 04, 2011 6:05:00 PM
    Mee Sua! OMG, e last time i had it was 4 years back! Nyummy!