Scribbled on 4/14/2006 10:41:00 PM

FYP Fever

Wuargh...excuse me. I just can't take it any more. 3 more days towards the most important day of my life (currently). Doom Day! My butt's on fire and I can't sit still no longer than second or two. I still have a lil bit of work to finish up and I'm kinda blur on what to put on my power point slides. I need motivation people...I've talked to numerous people already. Thanks for the boost here and there. Maybe I need a short break. Its getting too much into my nerves. I pray to God Almighty for His blessings and to make these few upcoming days go smoothly for me. Thanks to Mimi for the massages, couldn't do it without you. Oh God! Just a lil bitmore Adibah...Go Go Go!

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